A Tele-manipulator with Tactile Tele-presence and Myoelectric Bionic Control
Graphical Abstract
This paper presents a method that controls the tele-manipulator by combining tactile tele-presence with myoelectric bionic control.Surface electromyography(SEMG) is collected from the forearm.Motion patterns of the hand are recognized from SEMG by autoregressive(AR) model and Bayes taxonomy,and the tele-manipulator is controlled to perform the corresponding movement.The tactile and slip sensor using PVDF(polyvinylidene fluoride) as sensitive material is fitted on the tele-manipulator finger.When the tele-manipulator is holding or touching an object,the tactile and slip signals are created and then transformed into electrical stimuli which stimulate the operator,hence the tactile tele-presence is achieved. The operator can control the motion of his hand with tactile tele-presence.Experimental results indicate that the method can improve the bionic controllability of tele-manipulator.