Mechanism Design and Analysis of a Hybrid-Input Parallel Rehabilitation Robot with Humanoid Gaits
Graphical Abstract
Owing to the absence of the rehabilitation robot for application in the community and family, a novel robot is developed for hemiplegic patients treating with different strides in the community and family. By exploring the characteristics of normal gaits and hemiplegic patient gaits in rehabilitation treating process, a variable-stride hybrid-input rehabilitation robot is designed for community and family applications on the basis of parallel mechanism. The dimensions of robot's actuator are calculated based on the normal gait of adults with 185 cm height, and the kinematics, the workspace and the control law of robot's actuator are analyzed and simulated, which prove the feasibility of the design scheme in theory. The prototype test results show that the robot can make the subject perform gait motion with the shoulder joint range from -14.8° to 23.7°, the knee joint range from 1.8° to 66.5° and the step length less than 68 cm through changing the length of the crank and the angle of the adjusting rod.