Lightweight Encoding-Decoding Grasp Pose Detection Based on a Context Aggregation Strategy
XU Shengjun, REN Junlin, LIU Guanghui, MENG Yuebo, HAN Jiuqiang
2023, 45(6): 641-654. DOI: 10.13973/j.cnki.robot.220445
An End-to-End Mapless Navigation Method Based on TS-TD3 in Dynamic Environment
JIANG Yang, ZENG Tiewen, WAN Dongdong, WU Chengdong
2023, 45(6): 655-669. DOI: 10.13973/j.cnki.robot.220440
Socially-aware Robot Navigation Considering Human Gaze-related Area Constraints
HU Zhengxi, ZHANG Qianyi, ZHAI Xiaolin, WU Shichao, LIU Jingtai
2023, 45(6): 670-682. DOI: 10.13973/j.cnki.robot.220405
Neural Adaptive Trajectory Tracking Control for a Magnetic Microrobot
LIU Yueyue, WANG Haoyu, ZHANG Jiayi, FAN Qigao
2023, 45(6): 683-690. DOI: 10.13973/j.cnki.robot.230144
A Straight Parallel Pinch and Self-adaptive Gripper with Differential and Watt Linkages
LIANG Bo, TIAN Yuan, ZHANG Wenzeng
2023, 45(6): 691-697, 709. DOI: 10.13973/j.cnki.robot.230015
Design and Implementation of the Five-fingered Robotic Hand Grasping System Based on Regional Pose Solving
YU Xinyi, ZHAO Chongliang, CHEN Lei, ZHU Mingzhu, OU Linlin
2023, 45(6): 698-709. DOI: 10.13973/j.cnki.robot.230031
Simulation and Experimental Research on the Movement Mechanism of Venus Flytrap and Its Bionic Actuator
LI Jian, HUANG Meizhen, YAN Jie, LUAN Zhibo, WANG Yangwei, WANG Yuhan
2023, 45(6): 710-719, 736. DOI: 10.13973/j.cnki.robot.220438
Research Status and Development Trends of Deep-sea Long-term Resident Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Systems
XU Huixi, LÜ Fengtian, SHI Kai, ZHU Baotong, CHEN Zhong
2023, 45(6): 720-736. DOI: 10.13973/j.cnki.robot.220377
Research Status of Underwater Hexapod Robot and Its Motion Planning
SUN Yingzhe, ZHANG Qifeng, LIU Xiaomeng, YANG Xuejiao, ZHANG Aiqun
2023, 45(6): 737-755. DOI: 10.13973/j.cnki.robot.220149
Survey of Visual SLAM Based on Deep Learning
HUANG Zexia, SHAO Chunli
2023, 45(6): 756-768. DOI: 10.13973/j.cnki.robot.220426