
Research and Implementation of a Driving Simulator for Hexapod Robots

  • 摘要: 为了实现六足机器人驾驶员的模拟训练,对六足机器人模拟驾驶系统的关键技术进行了研究,进而开发了一种实时的六足机器人模拟驾驶系统.该系统在复杂系统实时仿真框架Eurosim下进行开发以保证各软、硬件模块之间的实时交互.对系统的软、硬件进行了设计,以一种有人驾驶六足机器人为原型建立了仿真模型,实现了六足机器人模拟驾驶.实验结果表明该系统能够实时地、正确地对驾驶员的操作做出反应,真实地模拟了机器人的运动.


    Abstract: In order to achieve the training of drivers of hexapod robots, key techniques of driving simulator for hexapod robots are studied, and then a real-time driving simulator for hexapod robots is developed. The system is established under Eurosim, a real-time simulation frame for complex systems, to guarantee the real-time interaction between the hardware and software modules. The hardware and software of the system are designed, a simulation model is developed based on a manned hexapod robot, and thus the driving simulation of hexapod robot is implemented. The experimental results indicate that the system can respond to the driver's command rightly and in real-time, and the motion of the robot is simulated veritably.


